
Manny Calavera.

Nick Park's "Early Man", in January of 2018.

No, that's a Mitroff/Florido/Sugar.


I find your lack of Lord/Miller films disturbing.

The very same.

"Abigail, Belle of Kilronan". I'm saddened no one ever mentions it, because it's pretty much my favorite one.

I just see the one, angrily replying to everyone who refers to Hamilton in any way. It's the Enlightened comment section all over again!

"Come on, grab your friends."

My sadness about Drew Goddard not writing the sequel is almost overshadowed by my fascination regarding Damien Chazelle's involvement. My tempo.

Oh BOY, the reader poll! Gonna vote for BoJa… Stev… Rick… Grav…

Was just about to say this about BoJack Horseman. What the hell do you have against cartoons, guys?

That's absolutely true. And also another reason why Minions could win.

I guess I just like liking things.

I have, so it makes some sort of sense if I claim random injustices.


BOOM! ZAP! POW! Cartoons aren't just for kids anymore!

You're all assuming The Good Dinosaur won't be excellent (Anomalisa is a perfect film, but they'll obviously ignore it). Imagine it is. Imagine the vote gets divided. Imagine Minions wins.