
I think Nintendo wants the touchscreen for when they eventually try to approximate some of the functions of a tablet/iPad, but on the cheap.

True story, swear to God: One of my best friends in High School worked at a Wendy's. He was mopping the kitchen, slipped on the wet floor and put his arm in the deep fryer up to his elbow.

I can't read or say the word "Nebraska" without thinking of Brent Musburger.

The Madden story I remember is early 2000s, when Madden was doing MNF with Al Michaels … don't remember the exact year, or even who was playing, but I remember this exchange (more or less), which happened after a player was stripped of the ball:

Yeah man. Ditch it. Ditch these punk-ass censors so hard. They're going to be so mad when you ditch them. All the clicks, just gone, away into the ether.

"And why is the carpet all wet, TODD?"

I think you are confusing famous filmmaker George Lucas with Wrigleyville bar owner George Loukas.

Skip and Rick Bayless are the second set of famous Chicago-adjacent brothers.

William VanLandingham!

I just assumed it was Steve. Steve Smashmouth. His brother Jonny Smashmouth plays guitar and they co-founded the band, right?

I used to not care for Corden, but then I tuned in randomly and saw Celebrity Noses and laughed a bunch so I decided he's at least OK.

Well, Darkseid is from the planet "Apokolips."

I played a "cashless" version of Monopoly a few years ago, and it sucks. 90 percent of the time money is being exchanged between players. So you have to enter one player's card, enter the amount being deducted from their account, and then enter the other players' card so it can add to it. Now think about all the times

I thought it was a bearded Keanu Reeves.

Unsolved Mysteries used to scare the bejesus out of me when I was a child. Just hearing the theme song would give me the creeps, and it still kind of does.

Let's be clear here: His stance on immigration isn't what makes him a bigot. Describing Mexican immigrants as "rapists and thugs" is what makes him a bigot.

Cabin in the Woods is horror satire. It is trying to make a point about the production and consumption of horror films. I wouldn't call it horror, but if you're a big horror nerd chances are that you'll like it, even if it isn't really that scary.

I thought the film strips trigger a Ringu style Japanese ghost-demon.

Here's the thing I always wondered about: so the Great Old One wanted the specific ritual to occur … but he wasn't placated at all by the awesome monster rampage that killed basically everyone involved ever?