Angry Badger

It was also used (awesomely) at the end of an episode of Good Behavior this season.

I wouldn't say that there was no justification for his actions - he killed the men who raped his daughter. He was guilty, but the bastards deserved it, so the jury set him free.

Speculation/Spoiler for next episode: I am guessing that Jon Snow vs. Ramsey (Snow) Bolton are not the only bastards battling next week. I think we might see Tommen v. Gendry for rights to the iron throne. Cersei has already threatened to reveal her relationship with Jamie before, she may be willing to reveal it now

That's silly. Beautiful women have been in films since the beginning. There is no drop-off in attendance for a movie just because an actress is "too beautiful."

When I was in college in the mid 1990's I took a class that involved surveys and statistical analysis. One of the class groups the prior year had conducted a study of professor salaries at our (small) public university. The results showed a base salary, with adjustments for different factors (e.g. subtract $x,xxx for