
Yeah, but she was also in 8th grade. In 8th grade I might have heard of Law and Order but I definitely had never watched it, and I think I'm about the same age as Kimmy.

That actually makes a lot of sense. Hopefully next week we'll see the backlash.

I began watching the first season mostly cracking jokes at it, but Finn's death and the promise of more exploration of Grounder culture got me actually invested. Then the second season was just so consistently good. There were shocking moments and twists but even when the science and some plot points were iffy, the

I can understand Lexa making this decision but what feels really unrealistic to me is the rest of the Grounders backing her up without even a single hint of dissent. Hopefully the second part fixes this.

A lot of people have been suggesting that Lexa's retreat was a fakeout, but your comment gave me a new idea about what could happen next week: Lexa's generals and the Grounder army are unhappy about the truce. Clarke, feeling angry and desperate, reveals that Lexa knowingly sacrificed TonDC. The Grounder alliance

I'm really, really hoping Part 2 can turn this around somehow but I'm afraid it's not possible. The posts and tweets from the writers defending this choice make me feel like they don't understand why so many of us find it unbelievable.

Exactly. The betrayal made no sense to me. I don't understand why Lexa would have sacrificed 250 people at TonDC for the sake of what looks like a much smaller number of Grounder captives. I thought the objective for the Grounders was vengeance/annihilation for the Mountain Men, not just to rescue a handful of people.

Did anyone else feel like Jaha's boat line was especially funny considering what happened in this episode re: ship Clexa?

I like her ponytail.

Yeah, I meet as many right-wingers as left-wingers who oppose fluoridation. They tend to be the same people who are anti-vaccination.

You are allowed to do that, it's called having a well. They're pretty common where I live, because the city water tastes terrible. They don't put the fluoride in the aquifer itself so the well water just has whatever natural fluoride levels are around here. Not that I really care either way, I agree with everything