
My name is Scott Buck, and I'm here to fuck

Fucking US version. Boring.

Okay maybe not vitriol specifically, but certainly smarmy dismissal.

Bill also agrees with Milo about the "pussification" of America. In fact Bill was the first person I ever heard posit that bullshit.

in the manga, the Major is a cyborg that was made to appear eastern European.

I guess the feeling this engenders in me must be what black people feel when white celebrities wear cornrows.

New Wonder Woman set photos are full of light and color… and Gal Gadot making the same blank expression in each one.

I didn't realize people ever liked Fallout Boy even in the distant past.

Much like the original song, it's garbage but I like it.

God fucking dammit. I guess they were scared that adults might enjoy themselves.

Do we know she lives in Asia in the film?

Agreed on all points! Thanks for this!

They're one of those companies that uses online piracy litigation as a source of revenue, essentially extorting people. Give us thirty buck or we'll take you to court style crap. The courts only recently started slapping them for it, and they've been padding their bottom line for years this way.

I meant karmically, but also… yeah, that.

Wow does fucking Voltage deserve this.

They didn't even stop hiring Peter Bergs.

I'm a stauch defender of the franchise, and I think Alien 3 is much better than Aliens. I EXIST he shouted into the comment void

That Logan's Run bit is the hardest I've laughed at a newswire piece that wasn't written by Sean. Congrats!

Apologies if this has been pointed out, but the final version of the remade Evil Dead WAS the Diablo Cody rewrite.

My curation of my music is so deep and detailed that I'm one hundred percent locked in to using iTunes at this point.