John Smith

I got the sneaking suspicion the NYOOPI plot is a setup in the event the show doesn't get renewed for next season, the series ends on Sherlock more or less running a school that teaches people to be better detectives.

They need to do an homage the Regular Show homage by having a gang that doesn't let people use smartphones on their turf.

"Dr. Sweet, you're late AGAIN…"
"Ugh I don't have to take this. I almost ruled the world once, you know!"
"Yeah, well I rule this museum so get in there and give a lecture!"

Naah, I think Cat will popularize Steampunk personally.

I dunno… I can already smell the Ethan/Cat fanfic brewing. :P

When the show first came out it took me awhile to used to the fact he was also in Cockney's vs. Zombies hehe.

Only thing that kind of bugged me, after Lily talks about her daughter, then we see John put his son in the water I was hoping for her to be standing in the background watching him like, "Long time no see. Wanna grab a cup of tea and commiserate over our dead kids together?"

Dracula: *sees Vanessa dead, along with all of his minions* Oh uh, wow! Look at the time. The sun is up. I better, uh.. get to work now. Well, it's been fun! BYE! *woosh*

As silly as it might sound, a part of me thought it would be cool if the room around him flickered for a split second to a modern day design like, all the way to the present he's still there alone.

So now with Penny Dreadful seemingly at an end, I still hold out hope that someday someone comes along with a show of a similar style set in a cozy little town called Arkham Massachusetts.

His face in that scene @ the table was the collective expression of every teenager ever forced to sit through a holiday meal with their family.

The one thing that's been bugging me is if Hecate is so pissed at what her mom did to her when she was little, why is she still a willing participant in all that?

He cooked our garbage.

I thought the point of being super rich was to own an island with a mountain in the shape of a skull? And lots of dispensable goons.

All I ever wanted from this show was a community made up entirely of doctors/scientists/misc. intellectuals that has thus far thrived. The only two problems are A) This show has made perfectly clear that anyone with half a brain or at the very least some kind of intellectual curiosity is 100% useless in this world

So that's who he was delivering people to up in the hills…

With any luck she's possessed by a Deadite and we'll get Bruce Campbell in here to straighten this trainwreck out.

This show is much better when read as recaps as opposed to actually watching it. I have less of that deflated "Really?" feeling afterwards.

I'm still kinda holding out hope that by the time Monarch/Blue Morpho can arch Venture, he's discovered by DMTM and it turns out that because he killed all the other villains to get to Venture he's now technically no longer a villain.

I think that's what's great about this show; even if you don't love everything about it, you'll probably love at least 90% if it heh. The mystical aspect is really getting me pumped for Iron Fist. I'm assuming everything with The Hand is for The Defenders, this way they're establishing just enough stuff so they won't