
I love that they don't ever try to force an answer on viewers. How about both! Both are valid!

Hell yeah!

"YO, VARMINTS! You hungry? I'll eat YOU! I'll eat your mom! I'll eat your eggs! I'll-" *surprised face as she gets swooped up by Marcie*

Hear, hear!

I think you misread it, dude!

W-wait. So can I take it that the blue creature IMPREGNATED Joshua?? He was even dripping green fluids!

It was the only thing that got a laugh out of me this entire episode. Otherwise, the whole thing was so humdrum. (And I do like LSP 'kay)

Oh god, I have entirely forgotten this. Ugh xC Yes. Eyes, and guts (the evisceration of Chilton and later, the FBI agent), those were horrifying!

Serves Mason right for thumbing his nose at Hannibal's drawings! Off goes his nose!

I didn't find the skin angels disturbing either. It's so beautiful. I can imagine it as a museum art installation, like so many of the cadaver displays in Hannibal — the girl mounted on antlers, tree man, mushroom people. The clever thing they do is to hide the process of violence and show you only the aftermath, when

Yes! When Bryan Fuller was tweeting #FaceOff all I could think of was Gus

Agree! I was so impressed by that particular scene. Mads' Hannibal comes across as someone who genuinely cares about certain people (like Abigail and Will) and will be affected by their loss, yet if he needs to kill them, he'll do it without a moment's hesitation. In a way you could say that he regrets their loss, but

Rule of thumb when watching Hannibal:

The long pig they ate was probably Randall. Will had to keep up the act and eat him, because you shouldn't even try to pass off pork as human meat to a gourmand like Lecter.

Ack how many times must it be said that Frederick Chilton is not dead!

Sure he had the nerve. She already clearly showed her interest in him, all he had to do was to respond, let /his/ urges take over.

This review! I love. (And agree completely.)

A little typo there, Ms Eichel:
"Gideon believed he was the [Chesapeake Ripper]". Not Minnesota Shrike

And the god-like figure is PB in disguise, the champion of science and belabourer of all things mythical and supernatural. Hehe, I like that.

That's what I thought too. But yep, the flute did belong to Finn in the first place, PB gave it to Lemonhope to play in "Too Old".