Dr. Spaceman

It bugs me that people say *cheap* trick when I feel like it should be cheap *trick*. That's just my 2 cents.

I don't know how to read :(

I'm sorry, tone "death"??

I'm not afraid to say it; this is a terrible idea.

I've only seen Rob Riggle play douchebags, which makes him seem like a terrible leading man.


or young lady! or person of indiscriminate gender and/or species!

well i never! my word, you should be *ashamed* of yourself, young man!


this seems like a lot of extraneous words and stuff

Cincinnati Enquirer acquired the Cincinnati Post and now there is no evening paper :(

I dream of a day when I can get my news told to me in a straightforward fashion, pre-printed and delivered to my doorstep.

I end up reading a lot of wikipedia articles tbh

Eventually I hit my daily sarcasm limit and I want everything told in a literal fashion.

I feel insulted but I'm not sure it counts if it's in that format

Is there a sarcasm free version of this article somewhere? I just want to know the actual story

Drugs are new and cool right?

saying that the joke was empowering because she offers it is like saying porn is empowering.

I was on board with this movie until that point. It totally didn't fit with the sense of humor (belonged more to an Adam Sandler movie). It also went on too long- there were many points that the joke could have ended and we would have gotten the same point. The fact that he decided to end the movie with that joke left

Drat! Foiled again! You win this one, Misleading Headline Man!!