Bat Boyz II Batmen

Waitaminute! The Thin White Duke… Thin White… in wh… You're really Big Bird!

Oh. I didn't know that. Year solved.

This year fucking sucks.

I'd like to Dadd her ario if you know what I'm saying.

Obviously he meant the rotting corpse of Gawker Media that was stitched together by Dr. Victor Univision.

Generally a comedian who doesn't want people to walk out will try to win people back to their side after a joke goes south, not double down on how shitty they think the place is. A comedian who wants people to walk out instead requests that people walk out. She did the latter, then continues to act like she didn't do

Yeah, then she said "Of course you're booing. You're Florida." Or something to that effect. So she said something that some people didn't like, told them she wasn't keeping them hostage and accuses their home (which continues to lean blue in federal elections) of being essentially a hub of Trump supporters.

I have to be honest, while I agree with her politics I disagree with her methods. If you actually read what she did, it seems very much like she intended to get people riled up. She pulled an audience member on stage and asked him to explain his politics to her, then accused Florida of being entirely pro-Trump. I

All this is well and good, but Quiet tho…

It's weird that Superman calls it "batmansplaining".

I hope he held it with his right hand.

Why? Is she starring in the next Marvel movie?

1) If the go with Zuul, who was only a minion of Gozer not the Dark God himself… Holtzmann should get the Venkman part, and the woman she's courting should be the one possessed.
2) Don't go with Zuul.

Talent and personality?

Laundro Matt


The most pernicious thing about a Michael Bay movie, whether he's the producer or director, is that they usually come with a few notfully- realized-good ideas, and a few maybe-if-I'm-day-drunk great ones.

OK, so maybe Warner won't put Wan on JL. Or maybe they'll push back the start of production…

Here's my hot take: Warner doesn't want to make the DC Comics equivalent of the Transformers franchise, they want their Marvel-style universe ( and the relatively effortless dollars that come with it). So by now Snyder is probably packing has bags and Wan is being eyeballed for the JL movie. After all, he helmed one

The old lampshade-on-the-head thing is hard to do when it keeps floating away.