
What exactly do you expect would happen?

Yeah, I had a similar reaction (though I was sober when I saw it). I think the movie works very well on a visceral, emotional level. And that's pretty much the only good thing I can say about it. I'd read Frank Miller's graphic novel years before, so I thought I knew what to expect, but was shocked that Snyder had

"Was that racist…?

The need to explain things that don't need explaining has become epidemic in the last few decades. Lucas, for some inexplicable reason, felt the need to ruin the force forever by telling us they're "tiny microscopic organisms." Then Ridley Scott has to ruin the Space Jockeys in Prometheus by retconning them into giant

What the fuck is wrong with you? (See I can be just as juvenile as you. Happy?)

Your just the facts spiel would be a lot more convincing if you weren't so credulous towards far more spurious Clinton conspiracy theories.

things like facts aren't even an inconvenience - they can just be ignored.

Aw, poor baby. Don't you have anything better than childish insults? How's about you try a cogent argument?

So you've finally managed to wrap your little mind around the distinction. Congratulations. Maybe now we might get to work on your inability to distinguish between evidence and the lack of evidence.

I thought you were going to drop some sick Watergate quotes, Chuck. What happened, dude? I ain't gonna lie, I feel a little bit cheated.

I posted some links to articles in a post above. And, also, what I claimed in my original post was that the Clinton campaign "use[d] cut-outs to receive foreign intel info…" and that they "…got Democratic and Clinton allies and supporters to pay a British mercenary to get incriminating evidence on Trump from "high

I sleep fine, fucktard, thanks.

That's rich, especially considering Hillary's campaign message was almost exclusively based on her not being Trump. Even the Democratic Party is asking people to vote on their new slogan, one of which is "Have you seen the other guys?" They're constantly comparing themselves to Trump and Republicans. So complaining

Except the distinction is crucial. Wanting to do something and actually doing it are not the same thing. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

You're just trying to convince everyone that it doesn't matter because reasons.

You really think that "Democratic allies," "close Clinton supporters," and "Democratic clients who supported Hillary Clinton" didn't, at the very least, let the Clinton campaign know what they were doing? Or, much more likely, were acting as cut outs for the Clinton campaign? And do you really believe that if Hillary

I agree. Yet none of this proves the Russia-gate conspiracy theory. There's still no evidence that Russia colluded with the Trump campaign.

According to this New York Post article:

But, again, as I've already pointed out, so far as we know, the Trumps received no intel from the Russian government. Indeed, according to the emails, the Russian government was colluding with the Clinton campaign. It's curious how the first part of Goldstone's claim (the "Russian interference" part) is being repeated

I agree. The Trumps are gargantuan liars, and they're really bad at it. I've never seen someone lie as much as Trump. And I don't see how this could possibly end well for them…