
Go home, Kumail, you're drunk.

Years ago I was the first person tossed from jury selection when I was asked if I believed police were capable of committing a crime and I responded that they are still just people and probably as likely as anyone else.

Please, continue to list french things you have heard of

Jesus Christ, could that review of Afro-Futurism be any more fucking purple?

Criterion simply ignores criticism when they release a blu with a terrible source. Children of Paradise looks like it was filmed through Vaseline, and I don't think they have ever even acknowledged it.

I want to know why it is always blue, and why so many people can't tell the difference.

Naming three things isn't THAT compelling an argument.

Honestly, this is the most compelling reason I've seen in a while.

Are you kidding? Harmon won't even respond to his texts. It's a shame because Schrab just wants to let him know he is loved.

Oh really? I watched that at the time and never knew.

The only other one writers know is "amazing".

I just watched The Danish Girl and was nearly overwhelmed by the "meh" of it all. All these stories I want to watch, and then I end just having to stare at them.

I'm pretty sure every current show in late night are sharing the same writing staff, so you are probably fine.

I must admit that I never recovered from when he tried to play the dozens with Patrick Stewart. Stewart doesn't come off great either, but his original issue about being disrespectful to other performers keeps him on the right side of the cringefest.

Sometimes I look in the background of celebrity instagrams to see what kind of products they REALLY use.

Yeah, it's just a com 'brev. Y da hbub

Back in the 90s, I barely knew this guy who was the go-to Nickelodeon "fat kid". He was the only source of income for his mother and young siblings. If he wasn't working there was no other money coming in. It had been like that since he was a little boy.

Yeah, I remember ProB from my time on that site. One of the reasons I left. He also took a comment by one of the MoC guys personally, started flaming them on other sites, and then every MoC review after that was slightly negative.

Yeah, I don't follow the blu ray scuttlebutt anymore, blu-ray.com's forums drove me away a couple years ago. (I saw their recent review of the disc which was glowing, but the caps looked terrible)

I love this movie so much, it's a little bit of a bummer this review is surface level. Of course, this kind of movie isn't to everyone's taste, but the themes of revolution and violence would seem to be pretty relevant right now, or at least in a few more months.