
Poe's Law has struck again!

I prefer to think of it as how much Scorsese can hold his own when juxtaposed so closely with Kubrick. I believe the point of the video was show how they could compliment each other

I used to rock the mixtape. All my girls knew who Tom Waits and Howard Ashman was

So many unfortunate euphemisms…

Or at LEAST a Netflix series about the two of them as roommates.

Speak up!

The real question is when is Ty Burrell getting his big green hair.

Ahhh, the Onion before it was bought and sold.

I honestly find that performance and how challenging his behavior is to be thrilling. It's still early for 12 and it is so great to not really know if he is calling a bluff or fucking around or what.

Kill the Moon is a great two parter crammed into a single episode with some (unforgivable to some) truly ridiculous hand wavy fixed by end of episode.

Forest of the Night was a garbled mess. Isn't this guy a well know kids book writer or something?

I thought that the whole pc master race thing was a tongue in cheek joke they all had until I wandered into the wrong subreddit.

I mean, this is all a giant plot contrivance. I'm fine with it because the show is so good otherwise, but a District Attorney doesn't exactly call you into their office to threaten you with a 24 hour deadline in real life, especially over unpaid waitstaff. The party was what, a month ago?

I find this kind of bullshit so interesting for some reason. I wish I could play it, but I found the ps2 MGS impenetrable from a gameplay standpoint, so I don't hold out much hope for this.

Like Brodd City?

Yeah, that' s pretty fair.

THIS should be the joke.

MMmmm, sounds like one of Daddy's famous "medicine" showers…

Tidus' voice acting is some of the most annoying I've ever heard. It alone keeps me from seriously considering a revisit.

Why not raise the stakes? Make it the voices from Day of the Daleks.