Michael Thompson

Book Cersei was 36 in A Feast For Crows.

Cersei is 40+. She is Jaime's twin and Joffrey made fun of Jaime several years ago in show years for being a 40 year old knight with no accomplishments.

People don't really acknowledge the absence of something. Dany won't score any points for not kicking the city's ass for awhile.

Dany: "Randyll Tarly, you warred against me and betrayed your liege lord and refused to submit when you were defeated. I am going to have to kill you."

I imagine at least 300 of the 439 comments mention that Gao first appeared in season 1 of Daredevil.

To have a smith under the mistaken belief that a smith would be helpful or all-that-useful in putting together obsidian weapons.

If you want to see the most egregious example of this sort of thing, watch the episode of the Tudors where Thomas Cromwell gets executed by the drunk guy and the other guy has to finally take the axe away and finish the job.

The Blackfyres were bastards, sure, but Aegon the Unworthy legitimized all of them, but basically it was still a Targ versus Targ-by-a-different-name sort of affair. I don't think there's any way any of the Blackfyres would support a Lannister over a Targaryen. They'd consider the Lannisters upjumped stewards at

I guess it really wouldn't matter since they haven't really gone into their history at all, but would Weiss and Benioff seriously expect us to believe that the mercenary company created to support the Blackfyre rebellions would support the Lannisters against a high valyrian claimant to the throne?

I'm not sure if Dany actually understands this. The only people who might have been able to explain the niceties of Westerosi warfare to her were probably Jorah Mormont and Barristan Selmy. Tyrion might be a good political advisor, but the only time Tyrion was really on military campaign did not last very long.

Enthusiastic allies, I mean. Randall Tarly's early victory over Robert aside, the Reach's major contribution to the war effort was to hang out in front of Storm's End for the duration. The Dornish were with Rhaegar at the Trident and having them bail would have, I suppose, seriously accelerated the inevitable.

Honestly, I'm not sure why he didn't. Having his marriage to Elia Martell annulled seems pointlessly cruel to her and antagonistic to Dorne, who were the only allies the Iron Throne had at that point. He could have just taken the second wife and shrugged at the, at that point, relatively de-fanged clergy.

Yeah, I've come to grips with the fact that Dany will never make proper use of her dragons. I chalk it up to her being a lousy military commander and leave it at that. A military that has anything resembling an air force, even a tiny one, should never suffer a catastrophic ambush from an enemy that doesn't have one.

Littlefinger's plan is to get rid of Arya. He's now warning Sansa that Arya has it out for her so that when Arya makes her move, she comes across as dangerous and unhinged. Littlefinger has no idea he's dealing with a dropout from Faceless Man University and thinks Arya will be easily disposed of since she's been so

I don't think she has that degree of control over the two wild-ish dragons. They will obey her if she's within eyesight/hearing range, but she can't give them explicit instructions like, "Go find the huge dead army in the land of endless snow and kill it."

Well, Sam did seem to reserve his thefts from the Great Library to stuff that was in the locked up, eyes-only section.

If Euron Greyjoy kills Danaerys Targaryen, Weiss and Benioff will have succeeded in reducing Game of Thrones to Dexter.

Gendry's weapon is more reminiscent of a maul than a traditional warhammer, but even as a maul, it's ridiculously top-heavy to use in combat.

The High Sparrow was incredibly popular among the smallfolk. The entire religious revolution of the last 2-3 seasons was based on the man's popularity and how helpless the nobles felt in the face of it.

Dany's central 'Westerosi Problem' is that she has always been a very blunt 'carrot or stick' type of leader - except in Essos the carrot she could offer was so desirable that giving it to those who converted to her resulted in such fanatical devotion to her that she has come to expect that sort of reaction from