Michael Thompson

Charles in Charge was clearly the lowest form of sitcom and I don't even think one can make a strong argument to the contrary.

Have you ever heard Lee Marvin in Paint Your Wagon?

So they really think that people come to the AV Club for the articles, huh?

They turned Dhalsim into a doctor in the Street Fighter movie.

If one is too lazy to click, one could simply hover the cursor over it for a simpler result.

Anne Boleyn. She was the 2nd wife of Henry VIII. After she lost his son to a miscarriage, he went batshit and decided that he wanted their marriage annulled, but his advisers went overboard and framed her for multiple affairs. So she was tried and found guilty of treason. On the day of her execution, they had to

So this is basically the part where they go in and tell Anne Boleyn multiple times that her execution's been put off because the executioner is late, right?

The Rock also probably gets a hell of a lot more in residuals than Emma Stone.

That depends on the specifics of her initial contract. If her agent was worth a shit, then the pittance she got paid for the first film will be the last time she gets paid a pittance and she'll see a large jump starting with Justice League.

The sad thing is that there were probably a few actresses during those studio system years that would have proven what people want to prove about women being good draws like Katherine Hepburn and Bette Davis, but now the audience is so diffuse that it's virtually impossible to do with numbers.

I'm not sure how universal Lee Marvin was, but for a long time, he was extremely popular.

There are very performers that are massive draws like John Wayne or Tom Cruise (before he damaged himself) or Clark Gable anymore.

Brie Larson will likely get more than Chadwick Boseman because she's more of a known quantity.

I would imagine that if they did a study on this, they would discover that male xxxxxx on average make more than female xxxxxx, largely as a product of how the unions in Hollywood work. For example, I would imagine that they would find that the average male boom operator has more years on the job than the average

a.) That is intellectually disingenuous. If we want people to change the tax code, then at the very least, we have to acknowledge the sacrifice that some people are making and not just continue to give them pissy looks because they happen to be rich.

a.) If you get paid $26 million and get to take home $18 million and suddenly you get paid $26 million and only get to take home $13 million, then I'm sorry, by any definition, you've taken money away from them.

I think the real question that needs to be answered is less that and more, "If Emma Stone had been the lead in The Force Awakens over Daisy Ridley, would The Force Awakens have made more money?"

I don't think the fact that there are some people who make a lot of money is a very effective argument to take more of that money away from them.

From what I understand, Hector the Booty Inspector has long since run out of booty to inspect.

I do. But it's mainly so I can make the same lame-ass joke about wondering whether the Funky Bunch were also going to be in it I've been making for about 27 years.