Balls to Monty

Unless IHBT, there are no lyrics to the closing credits. It was the 'scratch track' wherein bafflegarb is inserted over the song's base tune to get a feel for how the song will flow when lyrics are written. The producers liked the scratch track enough that they didn't bother with actual lyrics.

My mom still loves/refers to 'If NBC wants me to be their man in Moscow, do I go? Neeooowwww.'

We're hooked!

Same here! I was always a Bailey guy (which certainly isn't a bad choice and still have a happy place in my mind for her), but upon a rewatch recently, Loni's natural beauty was a revelation. Perhaps that's in contrast to the pneumatic 'beauty' of what followed (hi, Pamela), or I matured enough not to be intimidated

That would be an ecumenical matter! Yes!

Not having watched the Simpsons in a long time (no rancor; it just fell off the radar), I have to ask what they've done in terms of political satire in reference to the current President? There's been a lot of talk about the Bushes, Clinton, Dole and the current crop, but how has Obama been portrayed and/or satirized?

But man, Capaldi is giving it a run at #1 all time. I really hope he gets at least two more seasons to establish his take as being the Top Doctor.

Just outta curiosity, which do you prefer: 4Doc's "Then what's it for?!" (Pirate Planet) vs. 12Doc's "Sit down and talk!" (Zygon Inversion)?

Such faith is vindicated by the transcendent Peter Capaldi. Though I hear a lot of people bailed after the 'death' (or fate worse than death) of Donna. That was a harsh, harsh tragedy, but that's what drama is about.

The city's motto is: "We have Hendon so you don't have to." (Six years in Hylton; could've been worse…)

The League of Gentlemen. The funniest horror… darkest comedy… surrealist slice of insanity you'll see. Is that you, Dave?

It's a priest thing. You wouldn't understand.

Really enjoyed the episode. So much more fun and lighter than last years (which I enjoyed as well). Again, Peter Capaldi owns all and the writing was fun and poignant.

Rory was similarly unimpressed. 'It's a different dimension.' Right from the start, he could see through the Doctor's BS and flash (cf. God Complex).

Rusty in Into the Dalek: "You are a good Dalek". Also, the main theme from last season: "Am I a good man?" Dunno. Generally the seasons' themes tend to be more insulated from the past seasons in terms of overarching themes, so call backs to last season would be unlikely.

Whomever was behind 'Gus' perhaps?

I want to see an 'I quit' match between Face The Raven and Sting The Crow at Wrestlemania.

It made me think 'anti-regeneration energy' as exemplified by Matt Smith's exhale during The 11th Hour. Bright life giving essence versus black death essence.

At least they didn't say: 'It's a human and eye goop…. like a HYBRID!!'

I still hang my sunglasses down the back of my shirt instead of down the front just as Val did in Real Genius.