Balls to Monty

If she remembered the dematerilisation (sp?) circuit, then she remembered the shot in the back. Per the previous shots from the Cybermen in Series 8 and the Daleks in Series 9, I believe she'd prepared for the moment and will return.

That's what Mrs. Ball said too; though she clearly intended "Master-bation". She is my hero!

One of the things that I found most disturbing of the original Cybermen was the way their mouth just opened and the words came out of the synthesizer. No lip/jaw movements; just a gaping maw while the inner workings produced the expressions. It got to me as the human form was only vaguely known or in service to the

Indeed; I think Martin Clunes is still living down his Snakedance festival garb!

Enjoyed it; easy, straightforward romp. I had to check IMDB to see if the Empress was the same actress as the Racnoss Empress (they aren't). They sounded so similar!

Yes, and the rope ladder in Age of Steel.

Perhaps part of it is that the Doctor is remembering what happened the last time the Master/Missy was in the Tardis. And that knowing she's out in a time machine and could've gotten up to anything in the meantime between getting from the vault to Mars.

He's done two so far: The Doctor's Wife (excellent) and A Nightmare In Silver (…needed some more polish and to be free of the 7B 'impossible girl' anchor, but made the Cybermen scary; no mall feat). He's a huge fan of Who and I'm a big fan of his, so I do hope there's another story from him some day.

Overall: I agree that the story was weak and disappointing, but the acting and some individual moments were fantastic.

What I don't understand about this 'utopia' is the lack of garbage collection. I thought it would've been more like the Flagg's dark Las Vegas in 'The Stand': yes the trains run on time (and is clean, etc.), but is it worth the cost?

Doctor Who also did that in Season 8 in Robot of Sherwood. The sheriff had his head cut off (and reattached as he was a robot), but this was recently after Daniel Pearl suffered a similar fate, so the scene was cut from the broadcast. There were complaints in Season 9: Zygon Invasion/Inversion where the blowing up of

So, uh, lotteries in the simulated world? The numbers selected could be fixed, but everyone would be picking the same numbers…

Dammit, they've not been selling Caledonian 80- recently around here. :(

I also miss the Rotten Library's bad pope entries. Very informative and irreverent.

In a case of 'if it didn't explicitly happen, then it didn't happen (and even then…)', we didn't see Missy go into the vault. And I can't see how the Doctor would spare her life, then imprison her for a thousand years. I still don't think we know what's in the vault.

I particularly like the Gwar version on this very site (Undercover).

I took it as a rehash of the scene from 'The Caretaker' where Danny calls 12 Clara's 'space dad'. The follow up lines 'how can I be her father when we look the same age' and 'I was being kind' were played out here in pretty much the same way. I enjoyed the awkwardness on the part of the Doctor and Bill with him

One point that's been sticking in my craw: the history book that Bill scans through. IIRC, it's all lovely and light (discovery, Van Gough, other art etc.), then gets war-like and murderous and dark, culminating in mushroom clouds in the end. I feel that this is a complete and utter b.s. revision of history. Look at

I'm still using my Creative Zen! It's one of the few mp3 players I know of that will record FM radio. I am the proud owner of a live charity song (American Woman but Bachman Turner on Q107) that will never be released. Though one time I tried listening to Tina Fey's 'Bossypants' and had it on shuffle. I thought she

I've been trying to fit in 'sustentaculum tali', but it's a bit of a challenge.