
Twin Peaks would have been better without David Lynch. Honestly… Twin Peaks would have been better without Twin Peaks.

Oh, Lordy! Aging former stars in HD… the only mystery is how they are going to hide the aliens who are now living in Anderson's and Duchovny's wrinkles?

One can edit posts, and I added to mine. Jane Austen is deeper, of course, but the style of her novels may be a bit off-putting for modern readers.

One can be an innocent wallflower at any age… or a dirty old man/bastard. Having said that, you are right, the hard stuff is not for everybody. Some of it is outright stomach churning.

OK, so it's teenager smut then. If you don't expect men to understand smut and bdsm, then you haven't been to the real world. We invented both. :-)

Why in the world would you read E L James smut? There is far better smut out there.

There is better BDSM than that on the internet.

This is so gonna suck… it will give Prometheus 2 a run for its production budget.

Unsurprisingly I don't give a fly's crap.