
Gerties is still going strong too

Kind of cool to see the AV Club do a review on something from my home!

My favourites are either Metallica's My Friend of Misery, Iron Maiden's Remember Tomorrow or Rolling Stones Dead Flowers

Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes, and his parents always stood out to me. I always loved the hi-jinx but Watterson also knew how to display the heart of the family as well.

Does the FBI investigate all domestic abuse charges or just the famous people ones?

Just be sure not to trust "Indian Guide"

This looks to be a very fascinating documentary

Totally forgot about Solomon Brothers

No love for Tropic Thunder?

Futurama - Jurassic Bark…

Radio..who? It seems like I should remember something but weirdly enough it has left my memory

haha yeah, good times! For the ones that really shot we'd hold them in tent poles but yeah beach tag with roman candles was why we used to visit the US when I was a kid.

Yeah she graduated that with honours!

Funny (not surprising) thing worth noting, they rake this AI through the nadir of human consciousness and it comes out of it a Trump supporter.

Oh… by far! I can't stop laughing, it's been hours now

@Caroline Siede - Couldn't have said it better!

Since they make a shitload of money… this can't really surprise anyone.

It's Iron Maiden so it's relevant and necessary!

Seems like the next logical step for both Norm MacDonald and KFC…

Sauron's Ring of Power should out-do them all… right?