
If you're a fan of the Young Justice animated series, the tie-in comics are pretty great. They actually tell stories that are in-canon to the show and even fill in some gaps during the show's events. Not to mention the art gets really good once Christopher Jones fills in around the sixth or seventh issue.

It apparently wasn't Swamp Thing. The source mistook Plant Master/Floronic Man with Swamp Thing.

In Beware the Batman, he blends food in a gross paste for faster consumption.

Bruce shouldn't judge. He canonically tried to eat a burger with a knife and a fork.

I'm glad. Strong sounds incredibly shrill and obnoxious as Harley.

I liked how they used them and some of Iron Fist's in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Most of their Netflix shows have been fun. Nothing great, but a lot of fun.

I wish this article had mentioned the DC Nation hiatuses that actually killed the block and its shows, Young Justice, Green Lantern, and later on, Beware the Batman.

I'm kinda disappointed Arrow is not ending. Seasons three and four have been stale.

It's supposed to have a rotating cast each season. Season two's supposed to be about magic and Vixen may be in it.

I don't plan on getting fed up until they revive Gargoyles.

I'm excited for this one. They got Vic Cook from Spectacular Spider-Man, Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated, and the Hellboy DTVs for this.

Turbo FAST and All Hail King Julien are pretty good. The latter even won a few Emmys.

Suyin was awful. She was arrogant and prideful, expected Lin to get over an an incident she caused and never apologized for, refused to help the crumbling Earth Nation when it was in despair, punished harshly people she considered her children just because they dared to leave their home, and she spouted venom at

Of all the obnoxious characters the show has (Mako, the airbender children, Prince Wu, Bumi, Kai, Suyin, even Korra herself at times) you chose Bolin?

But at least the narrative didn't kiss Laurel's ass when she was the love interest and acknowledged when she was wrong. Ever since season three, Felicity is ALWAYS praised for everything she does and ALWAYS in the right. Even when she hid a secret from Oliver, it was played off as a joke.

How is Felicity Smoak not in the list?

Get the compilation. It's a bit expensive, but they fixed a lot of the dialogue and retconned the really bad crossover with DuckTales.

I don't recall Anarky showing up on The Batman. Or the 70's Filmation show, for that matter.

That's funny: I like Young Justice, Green Lantern, and Beware the Batman, yet those haven't been renewed. Hmmm…