
He was never actually set to star in it. That was a role and character that interested in him, but it never materialized. It never got so far as when Marvel Studios was gearing up Iron Man, Tom Cruise was actually the first choice before Robert Downey Jr.

You should be able to see the number of Vote Downs and who voted you down.

I would also agree, but it was written in a less enlightened and more ignorant time. I guess what were generally accepted attitudes back then could be construed as racist now.

I still went to a film school where the professor presented and reinforced that argument ;) .

I guess its open to interpretation. Some people think Back to the Future is racist because Marty McFly inspires Chuck Barry to invent rock n roll by playing Johnny B Goode.

Jungle Book has broader built-in appeal as a kids movie and also Disney doing it inspired by their own animated classic version. Also Disney did an animated Tarzan that did decent business, but again that was an animated family movie. This is an older skewing live-action Tarzan movie meant to be a franchise starter.

Robbie is famous right now, but she's not a box office star or draw. Focus didn't do well. Waltz has two Oscars, but he's not a draw either. People don't turn out opening weekend in droves to see a movie because it's Christoph Waltz.

Whether you agree with it or not, and this is what almost no one here has really mentioned, he arguably fits the white savior stereotype. Even this review points out a line here of a black actor calling Tarzan "Africa's favorite son."

Edgar Rice Burroughs was American.

His voice was not good at all.

Goodman played Baloo in the DTV Jungle Book 2 from Disney.

His singing is terrible.

Not seeing how the Step Up sequels revitalized them then.

Step Up 2 the Streets and Step Up 3D revitalized the American Dance Film? Really? Is that a thing?

None of this means anything. How is this any different to all the different years, directors, and writers who were attached to Robotech?

It's The League. One episode had Taco stealing the Brown Note gag from South Park and making everyone at a new year's party collectively poop their pants. The point is, nothing about these gags is very realistic.

For all intents and purposes yes. That was on subplot that didn't appear to blow up in Pete's face, save for Taco "firing" Pete and selling his EDBD startup nonsense to Mark Cuban. Which…Pete really would've made nothing on anyway the way Taco generally does business. Look at how he treats his $1.1 million check.