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    You're cute.

    Of course, the anarchist DEMANDS! And the proletariat complies or else its off to the gulag or killing fields. You are truly a progressive leftist.

    C'mon Disqus, you've got to do a better job aligning commentary and replies- Totally missed this gem from Libtard Lass. An anarchist- LMFAO! An anarchist who demands that the capitalization of "democrat" party be respected.

    Right. And the Nazi Party was accurately titled the National Socialist German Workers Party, but everyone just referred to them as the Nazi's. Everyone except themselves- They'd get all defensive if Nazi wasn't capitalized. LOL at a progressive democrat party member calling me politically ignorant. Why don't you

    Right, us guys are stupid- not the beanbrains who worship the liars of the Obama administration, those tools who can't even keep their hashtags and equivocations straight. #ShootingRandomPeople #NotRandomPeople. #SyrianRedLine #IDidn'tSayThat. #MarriageBetweenAManAndAWoman. #IEvolved. #YouCanKeepYourDoctor!

    LOL! Calling someone "wingnut"= taking to task. Only to "No Labels" "Civil Discourse" progressive democrat party kool-aid drinkers. Tell me Libtard Lass, how does one keep up with the liars of the democrat party? Even Axelrod struggles to keep up with all Obama's lies. After all, it took him 7 years to reveal that

    Right. I know I'm dealing with someone really intelligent when I see a Wanda Sykes avatar. Just kidding, you're a leftard. There is nothing now, nor has there ever been anything democratic about the democrat party, leftard.

    Because he sees the opportunity to become Michael Moore II. Expect this jackass to start crapping out more movies for democrat party progressives.