
According to Harmon, they actually did.

Don't forget to tweet @jeffbryandavis if you have issues with Teen Wolf, he's the creator and he's very open to comments about his show.

How did you hate him with that introduction? I knew he'd be a favorite as soon as I saw that pudge…

That's kinda why I barely watch mythology X-Files episodes even though I often return to monster of the week ones. And I recently had a very lengthy discussion with a girl at a party about this. By the end, we came to the conclusion that the best X-Files episodes were mostly the MOTW ones because they often had Mulder

It was the one show everyone could agree on in my late teens, well, that and Psych. And I think it was that blend of light-fare with good actors and a foundation that included a lot of dark material they could draw on to give episodes more depth from time to time.

Pretty sure he knows Cersei well enough to get a basic idea of what went down.

Cut from the script in post haha.

I'm not sure what to make of Mereen. On the one hand, I wish Tyrion had succeeded with his compromise to show Daenarys that ruling is more than just cool stunts, they've danced around that idea, but never really hammered the point in. But on the other hand, it makes sense that it takes both strategy and a show of

The plot is somewhat reminiscent of Grimm right now. Obviously the tone is something else, but anyway, I'm wondering if that creeper guy is Kyle's dad? Don't think we've heard of him. Maybe he has some special bloodline or something. I like that the mystery is mostly in the background and the characters have clear

To be honest, you can pretty much pitch anything as long as the leads are two estranged brothers played by faces everyone recognizes, they don't have to know the names just recognize the faces.

I mean, would you honestly say that otherwise? I´m more concerned about the loss of 'you're goddamn right' which I've been saying for years.

As alluded to in this episode, it was part of Cersei's attempt to wrench power away from the Tyrells and into her own hands.

I was actually expecting it to have been his daughter that had been possessed and he'd exorcised it out of her much the same way he'd done for the boy. I'm guessing that after driving the demon out of his wife, he decided to take the hit so that she could stay with their daughter. Although if she knows what really

After having watched this first episode, It actually reminds me of a somewhat gorier Les Revenants. The use of supernatural elements to drive a dark drama is similar. The main difference is that that show focused on many different characters and this one seems to have a more narrow vision, which I think will help it

How would this be resolved for other languages? Tom Waits can speak some Spanish, I know, but how's his French and German?

Yeah, talking about Game of Thrones with my co-workers is infinitely more interesting than hearing gossip about office romance.

When my brother and I found out they were making a Cirque Du Freak movie (years before it actually came out actually), we emailed Darren Shan and begged him to include My Chemical Romance's This Is How I Disappear on the soundtrack as we felt it was completely appropriate thematically and lyrically. It was not,

I thought this episode was particularly female centered, nearly every scene has a woman seizing control and directing the action. Particularly Sansa, with that amazing scene which has Sansa not only confront this man that used her as a bargaining chip but gives her all the power as she describes her abuse and shames

Like Gus, I also liked the letter scene and thought it was important to highlight Sansa's change as a character. Her rape at the hands of Ramsey is obviously present in her mind and I think it's important to have a clear vision of Ramsey as a villain. I'm not sure it was necessary to send Osha off so unceremoniously,

Totally read that last bit in his voice