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    Do you like how he's creating his own little safe space on the AV Club comments section by blocking people who disagree with him, but he's complaining about women wanting a safe space to watch a popcorn movie?

    No need to apologise to him - if he acts like a dickhead then people will call him a dickhead. Blocking people because they have a better argument than you sounds VERY much like a Trumpy thing to do anyway.

    Pfft yeah well at least we don't have to live as long in this crummy society as women do!

    It kinda smacks of pettiness to block another user AFTER you try to have the final word.

    Well they've got Vader - he SOUNDS like a black man

    That is a perfectly well reasoned explanation. Thank you.

    Yeah watch the Jerry Daycare episode again. He ends up being satisfied with being in a place where there is someone in a theme park costume of his wife.

    Assuming that the Rickest Rick is telling the truth about coming from c137 though - all it tells us is that our Rick has been with the same morty for the length of the show.

    I'm confused as to how I can enjoy the creations of a man so much but still dislike the man. I've tried to listen to Harmontown a few times and it just seems sycophantic and unfunny.

    But that makes the comparison meaningless - Frank Grimes was the foil to show how lucky Homer was and how little Homer deserved what he had. Jerry is deliberately shown as achieving a universally recognised level of incompetence. He doesn't exist to reflect normal standards of human competence on the main character

    I post because I have a pathological problem with continuing arguments (which it seems we share).

    Ahh. I see you subscribe to the same wrong headed view of feminism that the MRAs do. Don't get me wrong, that form of misandrist rabid feminism exists, but #notallfeminists. And I tend to come out just as strongly against those types of feminists btw.

    Hmmm… well they express a sense of entitlement far in excess of what anyone deserves and tend to blame an entire gender for their misfortune. I just used a pejorative to describe them.

    Only to 10. 20 if they take their shoes off.

    Some of them obviously have - there's a reason that 'black men have sex with racist white woman' porn exists. It exists to allow them to actually express their self loathing in private rather than trying to cover it up by angrily trying to 'win' arguments.

    Comment against women or immigrants - its Sophie's Choice here for them!

    Also, would it reassure souze chef's partner if one or both of you made sure that you were inconceivable during your coitus?

    Just have Gay men/Heteros/Lesbians and the bi folk just form the borders in the middle.

    All of that is kind of a flaw with the DC universe anyway - at least it seems to me that the Marvel characters generally have a lower power level and thus they generally don't need to worry about that so much.

    Cos other people also like to sit in the best spot? If you want privacy go sit in the front row on the end