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    'Well it's not like my wife comes to my workplace to do my job for me!'

    Everyone knows the Iraqis - I mean Persians - were literal monsters and the US - I mean Spartans - were the only ones manly enough to stand up to them.

    Nah they hate safe spaces so they can't complain.

    How dare someone judge a man by how he looks - its degrading and objectifying!

    But that's the problem - I think there are some inequities in some parts of the law and an open discussion about them would be good - but MRA fucktards tar everyone with the same brush who wants to talk about men's treatment under the law.

    Well we don't have to ask about yours Dik - some people are open enough to wear their heart on their face.

    I think there are real misandrist personas out there in the public sphere, but I think there are less of them than the MRAs, and they use less repulsive tactics than MRAs as well.

    She wanted a snarky grown adult with the face of a baby??? (I assume that all commenters use actual photos as their avatars)

    Is it just the dialogue on Arrow that makes me think he's intensely unlikable then? I've met other guys with the same hetero man crush but I don't understand it.

    Yep cos they'll be needed in the future to pilot the spaceships for all them broads! Heyoooo!

    Upvoted for commitment - it must've taken you some time to go to IMDB and compile that list.

    Ummm… have you watched the DCU films? Everything about the grim, dark, humourless, "violence-is-the-answer" attitude embodies all the same toxic ideas about masculinity that the MRAs view as a virtue.

    Give us evidence of this happening in the past and it might be worth considering.

    Check the credits of the movie - it says the Wachowski Bros bro! Them cucks can't even read dude!

    But these MRAs lack the empathy to recognise that women are rightly (but sadly) concerned about the greater risk to their personal safety.

    Don't suggest that - you know some alt-right shitstain would go along to it in blackface.

    Maybe if men like you would stop being so very odious and unsettling to women then women wouldn't feel the need to go to such lengths to avoid men.

    Pfft! Thinking about replacing 'gay' with 'black' probably just encourages this idiot.

    I just always figured there are two reasons why Supes is depicted as dictator: 1) Compelling stories about someone who is invulnerable to everything but a deus ex machina glowing rock are hard to keep writing. 2) Because his emotions are his one real vulnerability, and him turning misguided zealot is not that

    I'm not trying to win an election though.