Danny Rivera

'Variety' is reporting 'Ouija' as number one, saying the $10.9 mil was an incorrectly high estimate for both movies. 'Box Office Mojo' backs this up: 'Ouija' at $10.7, 'Nightcrawler' at $10.4.

Can we get an honorable mention for Edward Norton in 'Kingdom of Heaven'? He's in a metal mask the whole time, with make-up around his eyes to depict his character's leprosy. They reveal his face at the end, but I'm fairly certain it wasn't Edward Norton and just a dummy they made—why make-up his face if he's just

I think this is an important read not just for musicians (and writers, Jason), but for anyone looking to step into a creative industry. I'm an actor myself, and it's all too tempting to think about getting a day job and acting after. Though this was about the music industry, it articulated a lot of the same thoughts