Felix Ng

Note that M's assessment of Craig's Bond as "Blunt Instrument" is essentially correct. Though he's a smart one.

The weird thing is that Casino/Quantum has Bond at the start of his career. And Skyfall/Spectre has Bond near his career's end. Where's the middle? Thats always bothered me.

It's such an innovative and yet appropriate way to introduce Bond.

I don't think any serious Bond fan has DAD on his favorites list.

Cornell's recent death shook me a little, I certainly didn't expect that.

"And you're Miss Stephanie Broadchester…"

It's a lesser piece of work. But i think Quantum works as a two parter along with Casino.

I must've watched Goldeneye five times when it first came out. Had such a crush on Izabella Scorupco. I didn't even mind the Eric Serra score.

I still miss Dr Lector and Will's conversations together.

Eva Green makes everything better!

Thanks for taking our suggestion, Tom! Casino Royale is the best choice for 2006.

Soft Spot?

Made me feel hungry. That's so sure.

It's all gone downhill since he left.

Tammy can't stop swaying no matter where she goes. What a sight for sore eyes.

He's not bad in The Bridge as well.

We'll definitely will miss Naomi Watts.

There's that.

I wonder what she's doing these days? The last time i saw her was in The Practice TV series.