
Some shit journalists are coming out with this too.

> I'd just wasted 90 hours on the longest middling Farscape episode ever,

>Captain America eased those doubts

>The stakes in Horde mode make every kill feel precious

If killing too many repetitive guys in the campaign is an issue would horde not be the main negative in the game?

I played them just three years ago and they were quite good.

>realized big stupid meat heads in video game history

>mediocre pacing

The sequel yes, the first one, no.

>Lost Odyssey and Nier were all games that were already out by the time of that conversation, which all treat emotional moments with a modicum of actual subtlety and nuance.

>Thanks for taking three months to consider your response, Mitch.

>made the battle a foregone conclusion

>becomes a Chekhov's gun where it's inevitable that he'll swoop

Yeah, the Godzilla one was really good.

The entire argument put forth by them doesnt really hold for me.

>depressing title fight between a wantonly destructive Superman

Id go

>a generic AI-on-the-loose thing.

…wasnt it for some charity thing though?

>Nothing feels resolved and there’s no real meaningful road forward for any of these characters.