I really don't see the distinction. He doesn't think the little hand jobs are a big deal. A relationship has never stopped him before. It won't stop him now. He wants Patrick to know that and for Patrick to be okay with it.
I really don't see the distinction. He doesn't think the little hand jobs are a big deal. A relationship has never stopped him before. It won't stop him now. He wants Patrick to know that and for Patrick to be okay with it.
We don't know that Patrick is still with Kevin. It was left ambiguous. If you listen to the Looking "About the Ep" video with the creators, you'll hear them say that they left it ambiguous but they think Patrick left Kevin.
But we shouldn't be surprised. Even their affair started because Kevin ignored what Patrick had been telling him after he pushed him away at the wedding. Kevin eventually lured Patrick to work with a made up crisis to get him alone. Patrick made his own choices so I'm not absolving him of his guilt but the whole…
Patrick doesn't get a pass but I do think it's pretty crappy to make other plans for you and your SO when you already have established plans. The message was that Kevin didn't want to go to the charity event and Patrick…being Patrick…wanted to please him.
Thanks. I didn't remember that. And I prefer the blue over the white. He looks hotter in it. /shallow thoughts
Patrick wasn't the first to say "I love you." Kevin said it to Patrick when he showed up at his door in Ep. 7.
Very true about the 1 customer a week. But as for the barbershop, Richie usually wears a white coat when he's at work. He wasn't wearing that this time. But maybe that was the blue thing he was wearing over his blue shirt. I just went back to see and the sign does say "open" so I was probably mistaken.
The fact that Kevin was avoiding telling Patrick that he wanted an open relationship until they were living together sort of implies he knew monogamy was expected.
FYI, the Grindr name wasn't "Romford", it was "Rompford." That was may be the cleverest thing I think I've ever seen Kevin do. The look on Patrick's face when he heard that name? Some of the finest bit of acting Groff has done.
Thank you! I think Patrick was pretty realistic here. Even he acknowledged that his opinion could change. I would imagine Kevin's position changed because his relationship with Jon was done under the guise of monogamy even if Kevin ultimately didn't practice it.
I don't think Patrick is unrealistic. He wants to strive for monogamy. And I believe he did say that he could probably forgive a slip up…but he didn't want a free pass to slip up. Because Kevin did "little things" while with Jon that Jon didn't know about. But what happens when Patrick gives Kevin this much? Does…
I don't hate Patrick but I do find him insufferable when he doesn't have a real struggle. And I'm not talking about his manufactured struggles. I'm talking about real ones.
I tend to think that one thing ignored in this discussion is the fact that this is a TV show driven by stories and characters. I think the first season contrast of Patrick hanging out with someone very similar to him and Patrick hanging out with someone who does challenge his expectations made for far more…
I don't think it's reasonable to always prioritize a friendship. For instance, last week, Doris had plans with Malik. Then Dom wanted her to help him with the window. Should she have given up that plan because Dom decided he wanted her help? The problem isn't valuing a friendship of 20 years over someone you've…
You're right. Richie deserves better than Patrick. But chemistry is subjective because I certain get more feeling of romance and attraction from patrick and richie than I ever have from Patrick and Kevin.
I don't think the creators are afraid to leave Patrick single. In fact, I've long felt that is the end game.
He wasn't rich in the beginning but he was pursuing his masters. So he may not have been well off then but she likely knew he would be once he got his advanced degree.
I don't think it has been too clean. Last week he was throwing shade at Kevin. Now that doesn't bother me exactly but considering he's one of the reasons Patrick is even with Kevin, I'm not sure he's in a place to do that. Then he went and watched Dom work without lending a hand. There have been other self…
We don't know enough about the situation but even if he doesn't have a legit claim, he can still try to make it. But it could also be that there are family assets (whether it's a family business or things passed down from Doris's grandparents) that the brother may think should not be part of the estate.
It'd kill me too but I would be shocked if that were to happen. And I'd not watch a third season if it did.