
I liked Michael well enough but you can put me in the "must be dead inside" category because I was totally unmoved by Michael's death. I've been expecting it since Season 1. I've been thinking it needed to happen since Season 2. Because Michael did have flaws. Michael and Jane as a couple had flaws. But the show

I also forgot to mention that Darryl is played as part of a joke except when he's with White Josh. That's when the show takes him the most seriously.

Yep. The original is pretty low key production wise.

I miss the original theme too. And while I don't think I'm as in love with this season as much as last, this past episode was probably one of my faves of the series in terms of story and song.

No it wasn't as impressive as the original but few parodies are or meant to be. Vincent and Santino aren't the tap dancers that Donald O'Connor and Gene Kelly are. Or at least Santino isn't. I think he tapes a little. Vincent might tap more but they choreographed it so they were a tandem.

One of my favorite lines was a lyric in "It was a Shitshow" where Greg says that they can't unscrew each other's friends. I had to laugh because of how many times that's an issue on TV shows with a limited cast of characters.

I think the "tap that ass" song was about how many memories she has in her house of them and how hard it is for her to move forward with all those memories staring her in the face. I think it's what motivated her to look for a new place to live with Heather.

That's what I liked about his alcoholism story, though. They didn't make it super obvious the way most shows do but they did drop hints. A lot of his behavior we saw could have been just partying with no addiction element to it. But we did see that it caused him some problems, though, especially in the finale.

I've watched shows for one character before. Usually that's a condemnation of the show. That's not Crazy Ex so even though he's probably my favorite character, it normally wouldn't make me stop watching.

She didn't rule out guest appearances at some point, though. And Santino has said he is open to it. But it likely won't be this season.

He was a flawed, messy character as most of the characters on this show are. But they're still relatable and interesting. Even Valencia, who I never hated. Greg could be awful or great or great comic relief. And I think Santino is one of the strongest actors on the show. Both he and Donna Lynn Champlin do some of

We didn't see much of Jon and Kevin but I do think what we did see was Kevin largely be convincing. He can be charming and sincere, or at least appear sincere, when he wants to be. The Patrick and Kevin relationship was so short that he could convince Jon he thought it was a mistake…a product of being bored with

That scene also contained my favorite line of the movie said by Richie— "Just because you feel you shouldn't need something doesn't mean you don't."

And the thing with Rome is that I think the second season was a wrap-up season. It was cancelled pretty early. And then HBO regretted it because the numbers went up in its second season but it was too late.

"Why would anyone want to read a recap?"

This is true. I'm a romcom fan but I feel so few have been produced lately that really work for me. Surprisingly, the HBO wrap-up movies (this and even Hello Ladies) have filled that entertainment hole better than a lot of the modern movies produced.

I think cost of production is the difference here. With this show and Hello Ladies, they could immediately greenlight a movie upon cancellation. The cast gets locked in right away and any needed sets don't get torn down.

Spoiler alerts in a recap? They never existed.

I think a lot of factors played into it. It was such a quiet show. Even the critical praise was quiet. It was heavy of conversation and capturing slices of life. Things did happen but I think it's almost easier to describe a full season than it is a single episode. This is one show that would be better binged

I partly agree with you. I do love open ended resolutions, especially if they make sense as they did in Weekend and S1 and S2. On the other hand, I'm a sucker for happy endings. The movie could have believably gone either way.