I agree that it was a mismatch, but to me the failings were more Bamford's fault. Poehler worked great with Leykis, with Amy actually doing funny stuff, and Bamford did very little bar annoy with her constant laughing.
I agree that it was a mismatch, but to me the failings were more Bamford's fault. Poehler worked great with Leykis, with Amy actually doing funny stuff, and Bamford did very little bar annoy with her constant laughing.
Louis CK had Pootie Tang taken away from him. Pretty much the same thing happened to Cross and Odenkirk on RNR.
Louis CK had Pootie Tang taken away from him. Pretty much the same thing happened to Cross and Odenkirk on RNR.
Was the X-Man joke a Britta Britta'ing it up thing or that Nate Grey/X-Man is lame, because the latter is certainly not true (he was great) and his presence means the joke really doesn't work because Abed would know who X-Man was.
Was the X-Man joke a Britta Britta'ing it up thing or that Nate Grey/X-Man is lame, because the latter is certainly not true (he was great) and his presence means the joke really doesn't work because Abed would know who X-Man was.
If you're English then he really doesn't. It is passable, but clearly Scandinavian - a bit like Alex Skarsgard's yank accent from Generation Kill (and to a lesser extent True Blood).
The Go On pilot has Brett Gellman and Seth Morris, which means I will definitely watch.
The foreshadowing was fine, Andy turning up to David Wallace's house, when the last time we had seen him his life seemed a complete mess. A full reveal that he had made a fortune off 'Suck It' would have been worse.
Ruffalo is great in the Avengers, and his Hulk is breathtakingly awesome, and I'd love to see them do something good with him, but you know it would be another boring - Bruce searching for a cure and Ross chasing him movie.
There is no 'British' creative involvement in the show. Tate was all the idea/desire of Lieberstein and other producers (Daniels probably had involvement).
That is true of his stand-up too. A 20 minute spot is fantastic, his hourlong show every-year gets fairly unbearable in the second half.
His Giamatti is fucking hilarious.
It really picks up in the second half actually. I'm not a big fan of Notaro and Ronna and Beverly really grated at first, but they found a pretty good rhythm after a while.
It is good. Carano has one weird lip-bitey note in the non-action stuff, but the action is great. Lots of long wide shots with relatively little fast cutting that really gives you a sense of space and impact - the foreign dude who did the Nolan action take-down will love this.
I agree completely with that.
The problem is in capturing how annoying and tedious Glee, large stretches of the episode were annoying and tedious.