
I don't think I said that at all.

I also love a black judge. Another hilarious episode, maybe this season is pandering to fans, but I sure don't see a problem with it!

This has really become a solid half hour every week, another enjoyable episode. Praise the Brewster!

"We be all night".

Finally, divorce!

Buffy did it in season 6, there's still hope!

Can Rick just break into "Brave New World" and be done with it.
"With just a handful of men, we'll start all over AGAAAAIN!"

I didn't like Lotz when she was in Arrow, I saw her as a sort of Eliza Dushku wannabe. Watching this though, she has completely changed my mind, she has killed it in all three episodes! You go Sara!

"Ashanti" really made me laugh, I know it was stupid, but it worked. The Labyrinth dream sequence was unexpected and hilarious, this show is really doing it for me right now.

Ditching Minor on the bus was the worst thing Major could have done. Fuck you Major, I liked you!

Winston saying "boob tape" really got me.

So much about this epsiode was great, then you had the Barry and Patty scenes. I've really liked her and it's been a huge mistake keeping her in the dark.

Not a season best but it had solid laughs for me! I do love testicular pain jokes.

True, but Martindale in The Americans deserves to win an Emmy, no matter how small the spot!

Unfortunately I doubt that's going to happen for Martindale. I miss the glory days.

She really did. I was so excited to see what they'd do with her as well because they generally do good by their guest actors.

Is Margo Martindale done? They really didn't give someone of her calibre enough material. Shame that. I'm glad to see the Alicia Florrick eye roll return though!

"The six of you had… Ducked out." For some reason that really made me laugh. Duck puns should really be more of a thing on TV.

"We're big pimpin' now!" Brilliant.

Those clay representations of "love" were perfect in every single way. Nice to see their video editing skills are just as good as ever as well. Hilarious episode!