
Matan! Oh Matan, your beautiful bald head has been touched by the glorious Mitch Grinder! A- for me, stellar episode!

I didn't realise I'd missed this that much, thoroughly great episode!

Is it wrong that as soon as she called him handsome I started shipping them? I feel ashamed.

I think I'm the only person who likes Winn. It's a hard time to be alone.

"That handomse little Hobbit." Perfect description of Winn!

Cadaver? I hardly knew her. Boom. Tandy was on fire tonight. Those last few minutes, phew! The first half of the season really has been stellar, now we have to wait until spring, farts.


Yippe kayak other buckets! I know what I'll be shouting at the TV when Die Hard is on now.

Beth having cheated on Andy seemed like a huge cop out, like they were trying to get the audience on board with Andy and Hayley and get them out unscathed. Didn't work for me!

Helen is still with the hot doctor, go Helen! I'm surprised Noah didn't think the therapist wanted to sleep with him, he's so full of himself.

"You're my team, you're my family!" They've spent the last ten episodes fighting all the damn time! This show is so dumb.

Gail soaking her paper in her wine was such a little detail but it made me laugh so much.

Why Ms. Snakehole, yea I actually forgot about that, I just want her boiling bunnies, or Lyons I suppose? Basically, if they remade "Fatal Attraction" as a subplot I'd be extremely happy.

I'm really struggling whether or not I want to keep watching this, those nameless board members may be mad at me if I don't. I am loving crazy Anika though.

This was so wonderful and weird, I loved it!

"He has to shave almost every two weeks!" Alex could have been talking about me, I'm 25.

I already hate the Oliver having a son storyline, if only because everyone should know by now that keeping secrets NEVER works.

Maybe he only goes there because it's the only coffee shop to sell"The Flash" coffee. Barry likes to feel important.

Rahul Kohli is an absolute delight on Twitter!

Thank you for following through and giving us more Olyphant shirtless. We all need that at some point in the day. Great episode!