
Hey Ollie, before we save anyone why don't we catch a quick caffeine buzz first? I know it seems silly but I bet you'll run into your son you didn't know existed!

Definitely got slightly emotional in those last few minutes. Go Gonzo!

He was the main reason I started watching Justified, I stayed because it was brilliant, I'm not 100% sure that would have made a difference though.

I distinctly remember that scene, I had to rewind because I didn't pay any attention to what Art was saying.

See that's the problem with being in a cult, you have to wait until a specific time to kill someone.

Oh Hank, you're never going to keep your secret if you keep flashing your eyes red in crowded rooms!

Noah seeing Whitney in that hot tub was all kinds of hilarious. You get yours Helen, you get yours.

That profiler stuff was just the worst. Rick Cosnett is back! Great for the eyes, pretty bad for every other reason.

Major apartment envy, no wonder Kilgrave chose that pad.

Anika going full Glenn Close makes absolutely no sense, but I love it anyway.

I thought you were pointing out a really weird spelling error at first. I like your thinking.

Timothy Olyphant with his shirt off for no reason is a show I would watch religiously. Excellent episode.

I like the thought that the woman having the baby on the train was Mindy, I know that didn't happen at Thanksgiving but I still believe.

That was certainly gripping, and that's why I love this show. This second season has been hella good.

For a hot minute I thought Anika wasn't gonna say or do anything regarding her pregnancy. Then I remembered what show I was watching.

Well that was the best episode of the season, not really a challenge though.

That works better, as long as she doesn't get too angry about it like we've seen a million times before. I like her.

That was a pretty poor case of the week, but this show never fails to be so damn charming. Nice to see Rahul Kohli doing us Brits proud with that pint!

Preferably the one we seen the end of today, I doubt the spoiler he was wearing a mask all along will take an enjoyment out.

I really want a whole series of fake "The Grinder." That show looks unreal!