
Freaking Jeffrey Combs!

This was the best episode since the break for me, definitely tense, which is what this show does best!

More Mary Steenburgen on my screen can't be a bad thing. I think I prefer frightening Justified Mary though!

This would have been a B if not for Kerry Washington in those final minutes! B+ that girl can act!

I did see the comments as well but this was the most she's been in an episode this season and it was quite noticeable. There just didn't seem to be the bite in her voice that's usually there, hopefully it was just a cold or something minor.

Is it just me or is Jessica Walter sounding a bit weaker this season? I sure hope she's doing OK! No one does abusive mother like her!

Jamal's scarf game was fierce tonight!!


I think it's more a problem with Arrow, there was a lot of Flashback stuff going on and I haven't been overly keen on that this season.

This was the first week that I preferred The Flash! I hope that's not going to become a trend.

10 seasons in and this show can still knock it out of the park! BEAK!!

I was waiting for Ava to bite it this episode, she sure seems fucked! That Wynn Duffy aplexes me.

Welling up over a slow rendition of Kung Fu Fighting is something I never thought would happen. I am also not ready at all.

This was my favourite episode so far, seems like it's settling into a nice rhythm and more Mike is never a bad thing!

Btw, Dragon Age love!!

I'm sorry, I think after watching more episodes it's just the performance or the way it is written. Something about it seems off for me, I think it would be better to see him be out, but that is obviously my personal preference. I'm sorry if I cause any offense or anything. Also, I'm not really part of the LGBT

I hope this comes back, I wanna find out if Zed ever smiles!!

Huck knows how to party! Everything he says and does is hilarious in all the wrong ways.

The courtroom scenes in this show are so over the top! Give me a not so subtle Alicia Florrick eye roll any day of the week.

I wanna see an episode based around those goat-raping pig devils poker night!