
I said to myself after the first episode if Jamal does an interview and decides to brush off his fella I would stop watching because that cliché is tired!! But dammit if I don't love this shit! The Jamal relationship woes made this an A- for me but everything else was awesome. Raven-Symoné and Courtney Love in the

Mary Steenburgen is just downright frightening! I want Timothy Olyphant to choke me out with his thighs. This show is back on top!

If I haven't said it before I'm saying it now, I am in love with Hayley Atwell.

I don't like this show as much as alot of other people. Robbie Amell was pretty awful, also, I suggest that you don't take relationship advice from Einstein!

I am certainly glad Tyreese died, I always found him a bit of a drip! Also, Noah is bloody useful!

Freaking Tuco!!! I'm glad they didn't his name in the beginning credits like so many other shows do! It's good to be back.

Whenever a character supposedly dies off screen you know shit didn't happen! Really starting to enjoy this now. A-

Ahhh, nice to see Huck still knows how to have a good time. I wonder if any face licking went on!

Dormer and Tucci, buddy cop show in the making if there ever was one!

"Drip Drop" is hilariously bad. B- for me.

That would have been great to see! It just all seemed very sudden. I'm glad he's back now though!

I thought the end of Brick and the return of Olly was all a bit underwhelming. John Barrowman's wig however was perfection.

I love Charlie Day so much, you goddam bitch!

"I am Ben Wyatt and I very much approve this messaaaaaaaaage!" I never want this to end.

The actor ain't bad it's just that he's basically been doing/saying the same every single week.

God, I love this show so much when it embraces the insane. It also helps that Kerry Washington never fails, and to have an episode focused on just her was a long time coming!

I can't wait for some Marcia Gay Harden and Viola Davis action! Those scenes are gonna be awesome!

No real clue what's happening but certainly enjoying the journey!

Everything about Jamal is annoying, stop whining!! Still hot though.

Ben McKenzie's constant tough guy voice is really starting to bother me! Have a Strepsil love.