austin michaels

God you are so stupid. How in the hell is a failed senator that never passed a single piece of legislation, and a failed secretary of state that could'nt realize that an embassy that was bombed 1 month before the 911 attack that killed our ambassador needed repair and increased security, could possibly be qualified

Well said Mia. However being a doctor gives us an inside view of how people live their lives in a ways that many don't ever get to see. That only makes us more empathetic not dim our lights. Take care

btw, if that is you in the picture, you are very beautiful.

ha, thanks for sticking up for me. I think! I was a moderate conservative long before I came to decide to become a surgeon as are most doctors. Approximately 70% of us are conservative based on logic. I think if you look at most posts you will see that the mudslingers are not the conservative element of our society

You may be correct, but this show often shadows the sentiment of the 24 hr news cycle and the politics of the day. i.e. a blond female president similar to Hilary Clinton. Recently there has been a re-issue of anti-american home grown terrorism on msnbc and cnn over the past few months, so given there was a picture

Aaron you clearly have some smarts, so let's not pretend that the wild imagination of our, nightmare we call the press, wouldn't let loose and over exaggerate any story of that type. That is just disingenuous to pretend you don't know that.

Let me correct that, Major Hassan in texas killed 13 in an islamic terror attack on US soldiers and 2 of the 13 were muslim. So it was a hate crime of islam on islam murder

Do you mean your revisionist history. Not one muslim in america has been killed by hate crimes since 911 you pinhead. Doogie Howser? Once again another liberal living up to the word liberal / synonymous with ignorance. I'm 64. In case you don't what ignorance it means commenting on someone or something expertly which

my apologies, cirion made the idiot comment

haha I didn't say anyone was an idiot, you mad that assumption. You are the only one that tossed the word idiot out against me. And once again you have shown your ignorance, as I am Muslim I am more than aware that all muslims are not terrrorist. I am also aware of an overwhelming campaign by the left to pretend that

It means ignorance. Speaking about something or someone that you have no knowledge of. For example, you have no idea who I am or what my IQ level is and yet you label and lower yourself to name calling. You are the perfect example. I'm a cardiothoracic vascular trauma surgeon. So hardly, as you called me, an idiot.

America was more measured and more cool headed regarding muslims than any other country in the world would have been, except maybe england and germany. In most countries there would have been killings of muslims (wrongfully) on a daily basis.

For those of you who have missed it, and there seems to be a lot of you, This episode is about homeland making a statement about white terrorism in america. The white (racist) across the street that confronts quinn is the man that puts the bomb in sekou's van thus making it look like an islamic terrorist blew up a