Adam Gibson

The point I was making was how defining the line between generations is vague. Many younger people I've met who came at the tail end of a "generation" or even just a year or two later, seem to identify more with the previous generation or even in some cases, vice-versa. In the long scheme of things, generations can be

I can care less about being labeled a new buzz term but these generation markers are up and down and changing all the time. I know its because there is consensus between those who define them, but I definitely resonate with attributes of this sub-gen and I was born in 86. Its a pretty blurry line, should be a 77-88

Not for a sadomasochist, sure they would consider it icing on the cake.

You mean the apex of the word least use… and I just came.

Regardless, many government agencies have needed updating for years. FDA, DOD, etc. If they even just move them from paper and floppy's to hard drives, it'll be an improvement. Don't think anyone could screw that up… well Kushner maybe, we'll see.

Is a very painful orgasm commonplace when reading all these $10 words?

All things considered, I do like the things he is speaking about. The first real thing that this administration may get right.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Wrote a reply to this way back when we were still corresponding. In summary, just wanted to make peace. But yes, I have had numerous conversations with others on this topic, be they black, white, etc. In daily life, online, etc. and many shy away in daily life as to not rock the boat, otherwise,

Aah, I see. Just the way it was written and with the link embed and all it was very misleading. Still new to AV. Appreciate they're articles 95% of the time, just am easily confused by the over worded and senior college+ level vocabulary used in almost every piece.

Can someone point me in the direction of the article or just the part or anything in the link for the article they gave resembling anything near what was written regarding this remark: “fire rockets at Heaven to find the actual, physical location of God.” I'm just curious, was it a joke or did he make a statement in

Fives? U kiddin'? We do tens. All. Day. Long.


Whatever man, if its a matter of words, I don't really care about using the term oppression. I just don't appreciate being told my pain meant nothing. As if a white person can't be the target of racism, its just laughable. When we calm down with word slinging, sure we both can agree that it is. Also, there was an

Conflict is ripping this country and world apart right now. We'll see how well your ideals play out if a legit race war or other form of conflict between parties arose. Seems your wishing for the best by hoping for the worst.

And I am also not saying my case outweighs systemic bias or oppression. Just that my case is valid and I deserve a seat at the table when it comes to the situations I've been in, misfortune I've had by facts(evidence and accounts, anecdotes, etc. I've provided. Just like blacks and other minorities would demand. Who

Also, I can care less about your formula for why individual acts of racism are outweighed by "white privelege" so to speak. Its the same as saying, I'm a white girl who has been raped by a black man whose singular motivation was to hurt a white person(in retribution of recent turn of events of crimes by cops against

Bottom line, I've had a raw deal. Black people did take part in racially oppressing me, instilling fear into, making my life hell to an extent. BTW, my first best friend was black and even he acknowledged that I was picked on for simply being a person of Caucasian ancestry in a black dominated neighborhood. School

Also, one last time I'm gonna point this misconception you've tried to shove down my throat / put words in my mouth. My experience with racism for roughly half my existence does not equal me being a living and breathing all things oppression victim such as yourself to this day. Whether your view points are truly

Bullshit, how do you swallow that tripe, or anyone who even remotely thinks like you. Load of shit and you know it. Can't be a victim of oppression cause I'm white.would be ironic if a thousand years from now the tables were turned and ancestors were arguing the same debate, just from different angles. As in, "black

Cont. Disharmony and atrocities that have occurred. But do not believe they were ever completely devoid of racism in the promotions and workings of their field, yet feel it never did enough to incapacitate or let it hold them back. From what I've been explained to, they believe people with your views of inexhaustible