
At first, I thought you meant Peter Lorre, and I was all kinds of confused.

Shit, man. I've been hating Pat Robertson for ages, and that asshole refuses to go.

I know it's about label shit, but it does seem super weird to me that PWR BTTM is getting their music erased from the Internet, but you can still buy the entire catalog of Lostprophets.

Actually, I think that's 3.

My thought at #77: "Is the Xenomorph fucking that guy?"

RIP John Hurt, probably the most famous death scene in all of sci-fi.

Actual Factual IS Deep Throat

Who wants to hear my impression of Jeffrey Lord?

Cry more, snowflake.

"You work with Jared Kushner."

*insert obvious fedora/derpy shirt joke here*

My first introduction to him, and I can't imagine I"m the only one.

That's kind of how I feel about Iron Fist. I'd be more upset about the obvious privilege and love of Asian stereotypes if I could simply keep awake.

And where is casu marzu??

People make grilled cheese with mozzarella?

it fairness, it's only two slots higher than Velveeta.

It's definitely a "whoa" moment, but I think it was more out of frustration than out of a genuine "fuck John" attitude.

It's not very gouda.

Cut his nipple off!

What I am "over" is the determination of every strictly "good" character to use nonlethal means.