
Aside agreed wholeheartedly. I read that when it came out in paperback years ago and couldn't put it down. Wait a minute though - isn't Fukunaga the True Detective guy? Talk about ruining a good thing… Digression over. Thanks for letting me pitch in for a second…

Kinda OT:
Tom Hiddleston is freaking fantastic in the 6-part "The Night Manager" (just finished its run on AMC, aired in UK few months ago). Plus you get Tom Hollander as an evil a**hole. AND, as an added bonus, you get Hugh Laurie as the really really evil one, probably happy he gets to play uppity British (finally)

I'm just gonna come out and say it: The DuPlass brothers are over-rated. Write together, direct together, executive produce together but don't act together. The League is the funniest thing DuPlass brother #1 (the one we see) has ever done and probably will do.

Dan, I'm with you. Here's an idea that just burst into my brain. Girls is sort of like Sinefeld - nothing really happens, characters hard to like, etc. Variation: Main character is a self indulgent twenty something chick who can't figure out how to make money just being a cooler version of herself and/or some sort

Audra McD did a great job. I heard her on NPR once talking about Porgy and Bess and she even sang a bit - and she seemed like a wonderful lady who has earned each and every one of her awards.
She played Billie with a drunken, f**ked up grace. (Having never seen Billie live, I couldn't say how close or far she was from

These are some of the funniest comments I've ever read, ever. Really. I'm not being tsarcastic or tsnarky (for once). Domo Origato for the laughs. xoxox, Meighton K. Leister.
ps Please join in singing a bit of an oldie but a goodie with me?

He still is 1/4 of Nirvana, royalty-wise. I'm pretty sure. He can stay home and watch it from his screening room the size of cleveland.

Uh, the day they fired Earl on Christmas Eve so the one guy's wife could play bass a few years back has totally put me off of the Truckers. I think they are nice guys (met few times through aforementioned pal Earl), but bad businessmen and underneath it all - total dicks. Oh and yeah that was the year after they

Julian practically started the form with the Sex Pistols. Don Letts is another.

Oh. My. God. I actually paid to see that in a church basement of some sort. AWFUL. Like Oates says above they couldn't use ANY of the music and there was no "behind the music" moment where Bob/Tommy/you name the person affiliated with the band lounging in the gutter with a needle hanging out of their arm. Or in

Yawn. It was poorly produced and BORING. I'm sorry I donated to Kickstarter (or whatever medium they used to fund the Big Star Film). And I also paid to see it in the theatre. Seeing Alex Chilton live throughout the years and the one of the original Big Star reunion shows (Chicago) trumps anything that film had to

I think Beware of Mr. Baker fits into this category quite well. Fan fakes being freelance Rolling Stone writer to essentially move in w/Ginger Baker in South Africa. Then Ginger punches him in the nose, threatens to kill him and the basis of a documentary is born. Only THEN does the filmmaker/fan start showing