
Plus, she isnt a character who had run her course well before that point. John Barrowman is awesome, but the writers have pulled so many dumb moves in order to keep him active on the show. Then again, I probably should have just put the period in my previous sentence after "moves".

It's difficult to feel any "high stakes" with Laurel's death (which was supposedly the point in killing her off) when someone like Malcolm is both still alive and also constantly given a free pass by Oliver for the dumbest of reasons, even though Oliver should have killed him a long time ago.

"Watch the sippy cup."…….*POP*
Thanks for that tracking shot of Sofia's behind.

I emphatically agree with your sentiment about Gale Weathers. Courteney Cox played the ambitious bitch with a heart of gold really well. There's something about "the bitch" archetype that is just so damn hot, if done well.

I hadn't thought about or seen that skit since it first aired. Simply reading the word "Titani" made me bust out laughing.

You have managed to shock me. It's so rare to find people who actually know a thing or two about context and comprehension. You have given me a sliver of hope for society.

Oh, silly rabbit. I don't need to ask any transgender individual how they would feel about it as I have a friend who is a transgender female, and as a result, have spent time with other transgender individuals. They were perfectly fine with anyone using it as, unlike a lot of far less enlightened people, they know the

Furthermore, the offense is also more your problem than it is mine. "Tranny" is being used as a shorthand. Not to mention the fact that belittling one group of people in an attempt to defend another makes your point moot.

Trixie goes into whatever hole she pleases. I have no control over her whatsoever.

The transphobia was a conclusion you mistakenly reached, as I never said or implied that I have a fear of transgenders. It was an example meant to illustrate that people are so up in arms about the government listening to our conversations as if the things most people would rather keep secret are of any importance to

It's funny how you throw up more of a stink over what is likely a bunch of e-mails confirming that people like to talk shit behind each other's backs as opposed to the exposing of information that could potentially lead to the deaths of any number of people simply because you take umbrage to your phone calls to the