
In the US there are these fun houses at state fairs, and the newest one I've seen is just called "Rave" and they play house music in it, but everything else is still the same as all the other fun houses. So that's what raves are now here. (I thought I was a raver after rave was dead in 2004, so it's no surprise to me

I remember when he was one of the weirdest parts of Waking Life.

Why are so many people getting personally offended about an episode where Kimmy realizes college freshman don't actually know much of anything? Are you all secretly 18 year old rich kids?

Which is weird considering the show explicitly made fun of a beautiful yet childish girlfriend in Thanksgiving.

I have some in common with Francesca, and I can see her not knowing about dating apps and cable tv shows. I got married young and mostly hung out with my ex-husband—had no idea how any of the dating apps worked /what they were, aside from superficial pop culture references, and I would have been just as amused finding

All the rising boy names sound like dog names…..

AV Club won't let me use their login this fine day, but I'm the same "meow" as above, lol.

Right?! After watching it I'm convinced he set out to change the societal narrative about Bill Cosby because we are so reactionary and extreme as a society we were totally willing to erase all the good Cosby has done, probably especially because the good he has done was mostly for the benefit of Black people! And the

Equating queerness with blackness comes off as racist, though. Like everything, it's complicated and has many angles. It comes off as nitpicky and trendy to even criticize the fact that a comedian talked about the differences between suffering groups instead of similarities. I see it as a stylistic choice for

Oh, interesting. I think I've been to the one on Molson St. I used to live in Rosemont. I was stupidly willing to "adventure" my way through life but ended up being mostly a scared hermit whose neighbors hated her because I didn't even speak French let alone Quebecois, so I represented the oppressor. Although my

My theory with this last scene is that it was a metaphor for how it is in his (horse) nature to run. Now, he personally has always been running AWAY from things. It is pretty bleak & cyclical at this point. But— there is a glimmer of a step in the right direction if he can begin to realize his current nature.

Yes, it hit me as well, seeing my own actions at certain times reflected. It actually helped me realize what an insanely low point I must have been at "I was Bojack end of Season 3 DEPRESSED? Damn."

The 2nd paragraph is so true for me. I was 9 in 1996, and the Spice Girls turned me into a feminist of sorts. I posted a quote on my desk in 5th grade that read "Strong Men Make Weak Women", which is nearly nonsensical, but definitely pissed off all my little boy classmates sufficiently, and was certainly inspired by

Embarrassingly, my child's diaper rash lotion is called "Thirsties Booty Love"

Everything about this is great and I'm not going to contribute to cynicism and the Snidely Peanut Gallery :)

Thanks for digging up the link for us lazies. That was weirdly endearing to watch… I think I was smiling the whole time!

I tried to watch it twice and fell asleep both times. I also cannot stay awake for Ghostbusters 2.

The first time I watched it I was convinced midway through when they were walking out of a building saying things like "this is a disaster! this is terrible!" it was a reflective meta-reference to the movie itself. Hmmm, I guess I was high a lot back then.

My favorite thing from CBB so far was PFT's Herzog explaining his sequel to Good Will Hunting.

My college boyfriend's mom sent him a Valentine's card that said "Never forget I was your first Valentine". (Yet in the end, I like her more than I liked him.)