Sam Jones

I got a Community no- Oh wait, thats been done to death already. I'll go back to my hole.

This has a slow start, but if you stick with it past about episode 3 or 4, it becomes a genuine revelation. The back half of the season is surprisingly moving, and the anthropomorphised maggot gag had me rolling on the floor laughing, along with the Halloween in January store in the finale.

I think this episode realistically deserved a higher grade than a B. I would have gone with a-.

Theres also the new Lamb of God documentary, which started out as a tour film, and then became a rather intense almost-thriller after Randy Blythe was charged with manslaughter.

I'm still in shock. He was an absolute legend and will be sorely missed. Out of all actors and celebrities, I couldn't imagine for a second that he would die at any point soon. RIP. I'm going to watch Flubber and relive my early childhood in his honour.

As a young kid, I was probably a Sam, though I think I turned into a Nick as I got older.

Unless I'm mistaken, in the UK at least, The Man Who sold more copies than any Coldplay album.

Can rom-coms please stop answering the "can men and women just be friends" question with "no"? Not only is it obviously wrong, its reductive and borderline offensive.

I think the main reason I'm bummed about it (aside from the fact that more Community is better than less Community) is that it didn't really get a proper finale.

Thank you sooooo much NBC for cancelling the best sitcom of the past decade for Bad Judge and A to Z. Smart decisions, guys. On the other hand, Constantine looks like it could be quite entertaining, I'll probably check that out when it airs.

Apart from the Vince Gilligan one, not a single one of those shows sounds like it appeals to me. More reason to be grumpy (read:furious) about Community,

So, in the space of just over a month, out of my two favourite sitcoms, one has a terrible finale and the other doesn't even get a proper finale.
I think I might just stop watching TV altogether.