
I'll give them props for one thing: it's not too often a show can hook me in 3 episodes and then make me jump ship on the 4th. Lol

"On the show, Laura is just the type of person who gets bored and fucks around."

Thank you! All this praise and I can't discern more than one facial expression on this chick in the whole episode.

Scotland has no economic leg to stand on if it came to sustaining theselves and eating goods tariffs to/from the UK. The EU isn't interested in just Scotland either lol they want the British industry to stay.

Theresa May was a remainer, she just knows better than some people how a democratic referendum works.

those are only indispensable because it's how not to write a doctor who story.

I think the implication is they had already completely cracked [ie. the unrestrained rage just seconds before the gang showed up] and weren't thinking logically. Also, if they forfeited, they at least got a California king bed. So Dennis and Mac, 99% insane, have 3 seconds to choose between what they think the only 2

I honestly don't think he even fed it once.

I'm amazed it lasted a month with a dying battery.

Let's be honest here, the 80's ended in '93