Dave Bowman

Everything in the clue seemed to point to Newton… except for the Jeopardy writers' tendency to make Haley the answer to every single clue about British astronomers on the show. I shouted the correct answer as soon as I saw the timeline matched up, even though part of me was certain it was actually going to be Newton.

I realize I'm about a week late with this, but just in case someone stumbles upon this thread:
The clockwork soldiers (as well as bloodflies and hounds) don't count as kills, so you can feel free to use all your tools against them, even on a non lethal playthrough. Also, they can all be killed by 2 drop attacks each

I just upgraded to the iPhone 7 and now that I can activate Siri hands-free, I've been using her a lot while at home. My phone usually rests on a table or shelf and it's much faster to shout into the ether than to go retrieve it.
My lights (philips hue setup) are also compatible with apple's "home" app and the 6 year

Good job, Internet.

Can someone elaborate on why the Deathstroke fight is considered so difficult?
This complaint has been popping up in all sorts of places recently, and since I'd managed to get through it with no problems (beat it on my second try, got the "don't get hit" trophy after one or two more attempts), I am genuinely curious

When did you stop keeping up? Also, do you have any genre preferences?

Actually, Darwin would have made even more sense (both power-consistency and timeline-wise) as the source of the sentinels' abilities. But then they would've had to keep the black x-man alive for more than 2 minutes.

Oh my god, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just can't get rid of it. Lately, it's been a little too much, popping up at the most inconvenient moments. I guess the price of this love might not be one I am willing to pay?

I've listened to the song enough times to know exactly when it's coming and yet I still can't help but jump up from my seat every single goddamn time Washington cuts Hamilton off with the "Son, we are outgunned, outmanned" line. The energy in that moment is absolutely room-shattering.

The absence of Jamie xx's "In Colour" is borderline unforgivable.

Surprised that I couldn't find any mentions of Republic Commando. The third act of each respecive chapter (the assault on the Geonosian control room as the timer is counting down, the strategic battle for the starship's hangar bays and then the bridge, oh and of course that ending on Kashyyyk) is just a series of

Also, once you discover your own mortality (i.e. after the first sexual encounter), the only way to get rid of its looming presence is through future acts of coitus - both as a temporary release and as a means for procreation, thus transcending your individual mortality. I'm always so confused when people interpret It

They did that so they could use that godawful "out on early release!" pun on the banners.

The "crown of shit" line is not exactly sophisticated writing (though I always thought that Reznor's perfect delivery manages to sell it) but I'd still take it over the ridiculously on-the-nose didacticism of "crown of thorns".
That being said, it's the coda that - as you yourself had said - puts the original version

So I guess we know the shitty joke that every other writer will make in the first sentence of their disappointed review. They basically gave them the pull quote on a plate.

It's been a while since I've seen it but I was absolutely floored by The Hill. If my memory serves me correctly, it might just be Lumet's most underrated.
And now I have to note myself as a devout fan of Network.

Here is the thing: all that insanely heavy-handed foreshadowing made me very happy as it felt like they were setting up a more complex, detailed examination of the two characters' relationship in the third act. Because it couldn't be just about the twist if they've taken every possible step to telegraph that twist

The Batmobile is a lot of fun once you get the hang of it, and I've found that the coolest parts of it are the transitions - whether you're diving in or ejecting out, especially if you fully upgrade the ejector - so I like to drive a couple blocks in it, eject, glide to the neighborhood of my destination and then jump