
I totally just misread that as "an ear horn" and now I really want a framed photo of an ear horn.

Including grab a book!!!

Ha, same here! I live on the West Coast so normally I watch the show at 9pm PST, just as it pops onto Hulu, but I actually went out and did something social this Tuesday. I spent all day yesterday looking forward to watching the show after work.

I think you're spot on with both facets of Serena Joy's motivations. She HAS to know something is going on between June and the Commander, so if she can redirect that to Nick AND score a child out of the deal? Win-win (shudder).

Have you BEEN to Silicon Valley??

For what it's worth, I live in SF and I'd never heard of peri-peri before Dom first mentioned it.

Oh god, I blocked that part out.

I dunno, the highlight for me was Costas oversharing the fact that he woke up with his left eye swollen shut due to some sort of infection.

Haha, I was also the female Brian Krakow in high school so I identified with him a ton. That scene where he and Angela's dad are talking about "wallpaper" — broke my damn heart.