Mel C.

I rewound and watched that entire scene 3 times. He was phenomenal. If he doesn't at least get an Emmy nom, nothing makes sense.

I had just been thinking to myself that Theroux's performance is the most underrated tv performance next to Bill Paxton in Big Love, so when the song kicked in, I fucking lost it.

We saw him in the courtroom and she had her baby with her. He looked to be married because he had a ring on. A friend of mine has a theory that Cole and Allison are in cahoots somehow in the future/present timeline. I'm not sure if that makes any sense at all, but it's the beginning of a theory!

Yeah, they definitely created some ambiguity there, but I feel like Cole would be smart enough to know if the timing lined up. And given the death of their son, would he be willing to give up a child? I doubt it.

Yeah, I felt bad for Allison somewhat, but I also think this episode highlighted how much she needs a man to feel secure. I wanted him to walk away too, but it was a great scene ultimately.

I just wanted to say that Joshua Jackson is absolutely killing it in this role, and I think he's quickly becoming the most interesting character on the show.

I really wish they had shown us though. We should not have to be deprived of something that hot.

I was disappointed in this episode as a whole (way too schmaltzy), but her scene with Max was my least favorite. Acting was bad, writing was bad, totally shoehorned. I love these Bravermans, and I love this show, but it was all just too over the top.

He does have asshole moments for sure, but I'm more struck by the moments when he comes off like a total sweetheart. There's a sad warmness to Josh Jackson that I just freaking love. Sad warmness? I think that makes sense. For example, the scene when Cole tells Allison that he loves that dress on her (after it's