
I did finally get around to watching a dutch documentary series called ''Onze Man in Teheran'' (Our Man in Tehran). In it reporter Thomas Erdbrink shows us around Iran and how people actually live in that country. I found it quite interesting and eye opening (especially the episode on the justice system).
Parts of it

Or you just watch TopGear.

And then there is still that Mad Max game they are making. I don't care what other game come out next year JC3 is the only one that will really matter to me.

I Played some more of Darksiders which I had bought on steam with a discount. I think I will finish it tonight. I went to see Interstellar and liked it a lot. It's not amazing but it's definitely an entertaining spectacle. I also watched Duck You Sucker (aka A Fistful Of Dynamite). I liked the beginning but I feel

Is there any oil? If so I might do the same. I think I can take that guy.

With Prince Wu being the former earth queen's great nephew you have to wonder what happened to the rest of the line of succession. Or of course it could be that they just picked him because they think he will be easy to control.

The situation with republic city could be very interesting. Although Kuriva seems more rational than the earthqueen, and Raiko seems to be helping her. Also I don't really like the Sudetenland comparison I think Alsace-Lorraine would be more appropriate in this case.

How about the goat beating the shit out of Adam Sandler?

Adam Sandler is a straight janitor, but one day he realizes that his wife is about to become a drug addict. He stages a civil war and fools around, until he falls in love with the boss's daughter. Then he pulls himself together and emerges as a better person.

Does it taste Like dispair?

Not a lot. I watched the Swedish comedy film Kopps about a police department in a town where no crime ever happens. So the authorities decide to shut the department down because of that. The officers decide to prevent this from happening by increasing the crime statistics themselves. I liked it a lot how could I not

Three sequels? wasn't there a prequel aswell?

Guardians of the galaxy. Actually watched that movie earlier in the week. I liked it but wasn't blown away by it. And I found the final battle tiring and just wanted the heros to win it quickly so I could go home.

Well I like it.

No the movie. It is also known as The Professional in the uncivilized parts of the world.

In 1994 I celebrated my first birthday presumably by laying an extra big dump in my diaper. But for things from that year I would have liked to experience? The usual stuf The lion king, shawshank and pulpfiction but most of all would be Leon

From the Netherlands to London. And no I didn't see their underpants. Why would you want to see that anyway I have never understood that (I prefer my woman naked)

Did she dared to eat the bacon? Because I woudn't if I thought that way. Also what's Cornell?

This type of stupidity always reminds me of the time we were going on a classtrip to London. And two of the girls in my class were worried that we woud be crushed by all the water as soon as we entered the channel tunnel. Altough this isn't as satisfying.

I was actualy hoping it was going to be like one of those clown cars