
You guys don't know shit. Your journalism sucks ass. And you don't have the integrity to leave up a post that points that out on this thread. American garbage.

You'll have comments like "first to kidnap that bitch" but won't allow one up that proves this article is hogwash. Good one 👍

This should change the writers mind…

Love the way you delete my comment that says this article is flimsy writing. I guess freedom of speech doesn't count when you don't agree with it 👍

This should change the writers mind…

This writer needs to check his facts. Harry has stated this was in the late 60's or 1970 - "before she was even in a band". Bundy was blamed for the double murder of two women found in Ocean City NJ, 1969. He spent time in NY in '69. That's been well-established. Sure, doesn't prove anything… But it sure proves this