
I'd have to rewatch the scene but my sense was she was defensive because she didn't like being lectured by her sexual partner for wrongdoing right after he had sex with her. Like I said, I don't think anyone comes off well in that scene.

Well it's certainly impossible to combat when you don't even consider having an adult discussion, or judge an entire person's existence on the basis of a jar on their nightstand instead how they treat you as a person.

Yeah, I'm curious to know if Aziz is intentionally writing Dev as a bit quick to offense and hypocritical when it comes to these issues, or whether he doesn't know how he's coming off. Despite his character believing the "right" things, his words and actions often demonstrate how little he's grappled with the nuances

I've been curious how that scene is being received outside of my friend circle. Is her being somewhat oblivious and ignorant about an old gift she received from a friend really worth severing ties over (after getting what he wanted, naturally)? Considering how much more compatible she was with Dev than all his other

Dan, criticizing BLM or Ferguson protests = misguided = hateful?