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    I was rooting for mainly Jaime and Bronn, which led to rooting for Lannister men. At least felt sorry for them being roasted. Dany and dragon invincible at this point (Drogons not gonna die fighting pitiful soldiers, so he's safe).

    Brief moment of sympathy for Cersei when she asks Ellaria, "why did you do that?" (about killing Myrcella); there was a beat before and after that line. Anyway, it was brief and bookmarked by her cruel taunts and threats. I liked the tense scene between Dany and Jon followed by a gentler tone later. Bran's entered his

    I think so, if not beat her. Arya blows out that candle and we know she's been blind. Unless Waif had similar training, maybe Waif not so good in the dark herself

    now that I have a Stark reunion, please let there be at least a mention of Nymeria! Seriously, the show has give the direwolves short shift. Forget Dragons, give me Wolves haha

    what?! No @AfterDisaster? Who doesn't know cool dreams are "tightmares"?

    YEAH! I totally got the Franco vibe. Wish Ritter got more roles in films. I'm not a fan of Franco as a person, Ritter seems nicer, more down to earth.

    really funny, especially good acting from Armen Weitzman aka "the ravished" and Jason Ritter (his delivery of lines at the end, so good, so funny)

    Um, I said "I'm a book reader and I DON'T CARE that there's no "Edd, fetch me a block" or "..only Cat". ..
    My point is I'm not upset over the Sansa scene because it's different from the books.

    Yeah. That's what I'm saying. WTF. My mom was killed by a drunk driver but ISIS murdered tho ..cooll

    My views line up with wht the reviewer said about the scene in regards to Sans. Im not taking about Jeyne. We're talking about Sansa. If Sansa's character arc goes the way of Jeyne, then fine. But it won't. This "rape as trope for character growth" or whatever is what I take issue with. Jeyne is now a shell of a

    No he doesnt

    there's no point in Sansa being raped. NONE. Ramsey was always going to be awful during the wedding night, but could have played out differently. Maybe have Ramsey throw horrible jibes at Sansa and even keep that Theon thing in. But then Sansa is defiant and shows it on her face. Ramsey could have looked at her

    looks like in the Header the younger two are bickering while Obara remains stoic if not a bit annoyed…just before Ellaria rides up on them on horseback

    Maybe. But tywin was killed on Fathers day last season :)

    The 5th episode is coming up , and the screeners sent out weeks ago only had the first 4 episodes. The 5th will also be airing on Mother's Day in the States, so if LSH isn't in that episode, I think we can safely say she's gone from the series.

    EVerything they tried to do to change the Shae character failed. Especially toward the end. What happened to that feisty, defiant woman from season 1 & 2 ? should
    have changed her motivation completely if they were going to change her
    essence from a stereotypical money loving mistress/whore from the book
    to this

    always liked the idea of the 3 characters being on a boat heading to new destinations in the finale: Arya, Jorah and Tyrion. On a BOAT!

    I more think that Dany telling Jorah to say it was him changing her mind was just her telling Jorah she respects Jorah's guidance. It's also a nice way to tell Daario, "you may be in my bed, but you're not the only one I take advice from" and that Jorah is her main loyal subject

    he's 15

    New Daario sucks. Too generic, lightweight. We're not supposed to like
    Daario in the books right? I'd rather he be unlikeable and have some
    bravado and flare to him than this dud